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Menampilkan postingan dari Mei, 2014

7th Meeting (Descriptive Text) A Woman from Heaven

7th Meeting Theme ; A Person I admire Okta Mahendra (12340005) A Woman from Heaven Do you admire someone? How big your love to someone you admire? Yes, actually, every single person feel s it. They admire the other people in their life. Between one and another person has different person admired, and absolutely different love given to the admired person. It is not something lying. It is totally truth. Many people will feel admiring the other person such as actor, actress, singer, athlete, boyfriend or girlfriend or even their selves. Meanwhile, many people in this world love their admired person; they will not be greedy people who will give all of their loves to their admired person. Usually they will give perfect and bigger love to someone who extremely important and mercy in their life. They will do everything for their admired people without thinking that it will be useless or even it will spend much time, money or power. Those all for seeing the happiness on their...

My classmates

My classmates


Do you wanna make a speech? Yeah grab it the exaample below Indonesia’s Giant Problem Indonesia is a huge country and absolutely rich. We have millions of different natural resources from the sea, forest, mining, and many more . Indonesia is predicted to be one of the developed countries which are able to take over the world. In fact, European countries often made ​​the calculation that if the Indonesian people unite and work together to develop this country, Indonesia will become a superpower country like America or Russia. Ladies and gentlemen, Why has Indonesia not been able to be a developed country? There is one thing that becomes the key of all the problems, it is come from corruption . Research from International Corruption Transparancy Institute in 2013 showed Indonesia was in embrassing position, that was in 114th. That is ironic. Ladies and gentleman, Of course, corruption makes our country become unstable and does not have a solid system . The st...

Strategi Pembelajaran inkuiri

BAB I PENDAHULUAN 1.1     Latar Belakang Masalah Salah satu masalah yang dihadapi dunia pendidikan Indonesia dewasa ini adalah masalah lemahnya proses pembelajaran yang ada di lembaga pendidikan yang notabennya adalah sekolah pemerintah dan swasta. Dalam proses pembelajaran, si belajar atau peserta didik kurang didorong dan diberikan kesempatan untuk kemampuan berpikir mereka yang menekankan pada proses berpikir secara kritis dan analis untuk mencari dan menemukan sendiri jawaban dari suatu masalah yang dipertanyakan, namun mereka terkesan “dicekoki” dalam proses belajar tradisional yang disebut dengan mengajar yang memusatkan guru sebagai sumber satu- satunya yang dapat digali pengetahuannya (Teacher center). Proses pembelajaran yang ada didalam kelas maupun di luar kelas diarahkan kepada kemampuan anak untuk menghafal informasi tanpa dituntut untuk memahami informasi yang diingatnya itu untuk menghubugkannya dengan sehari-hari sehingga seakan tidak ada kor...