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Indonesia JKT48 Fans

What is JKT48?
          JKT48 (read as "J. K. T. Forty-eight") is an Indonesian idol group whose name is derived from its base city of Jakarta and the Japanese idol group AKB48. Formed in 2011, it is the first AKB48 sister group outside of Japan and adopts the concept of "idols you can meet".[1] Fans can attend daily performances at the group's theater, which was built as a close replica to the AKB48 Theater in Akihabara.
          Producer Yasushi Akimoto decided to bring the AKB48 concept to Indonesia because the group had begun to develop a fan base in the country. Indonesia's growing economy was seen as a potential market by many Japanese companies, and Akimoto established a partnership with these businesses and the country's largest media conglomerate Global Mediacom (MNC Media), the southeast Asia's largest and most integrated media group to replicate the AKB48 business model.
          While JKT48 does not restrict membership by nationality, applicants must be residents of Indonesia. The group has 44 members and released its first studio album Heavy Rotation on 16 February 2013 via Hits Records, a division of MNC subsidiary PT Star Media Nusantara. It performs songs by AKB48 and other sister groups that are translated into Indonesian.

JKT48 Conception
          Much like AKB48, the female Japanese idol group formed in 2005 in the Akihabara neighborhood of Tokyo, JKT48 is based on the concept of idols with whom fans can "'meet', or at least develop a similar feeling of intimacy". JKT48 takes its name from the group's base city of Jakarta, Indonesia.[a][2] The country was seen as a potential market for the idol business because of its relatively young population—As of 2012 about half are under the age of 30—and the popularity of Japanese manga series such as Slam Dunk and One Piece. In order to bring the concept of AKB48 to Indonesia, producer Yasushi Akimoto partnered with Hary Tanoesoedibjo, CEO of the country's largest media conglomerate Global Mediacom (MNC Media), the southeast Asia's largest and most integrated media group and Japanese electronic commerce company Rakuten.
          In an interview on CNN's TalkAsia program, Akimoto responded to the question of why he selected Indonesia as the first target of AKB48's overseas expansion. He said, "People in Indonesia were interested in AKB48. That is why we decided to try it in Jakarta. Kids watched AKB on the internet and they want to do the same, but they don't know whether they have talent. Also it's difficult [for them] to go to Japan to audition."[4] Then Rakuten–MNC Chief Marketing Officer Reino Barack recounted of his visit to Japan, "When I watched AKB48's theater performance in Akihabara, I sensed the potential for a new business in Indonesia."[b][3]

JKT48 Formation

2011–2012: Formation

              The formation of JKT48 was announced on 11 September 2011 at an AKB48 event held at Makuhari Messe in Chiba, Japan.[6] Applicant interviews took place in late September, and the first auditions were held 8–9 October.[1] AKB48 member Minami Takahashi also visited Jakarta during the auditions to promote JKT48 among fans of AKB48.[7] Applicants did not have to be Indonesian citizens, but they must reside in the country.[8] Approximately 1,200 girls auditioned for the group, and 51 were selected to proceed to the second round. Finalists were judged based on their dance performance of "Heavy Rotation", from AKB48's single of the same name, and their performance of a song of their choice.[9] JKT48's 28 first generation members, ages 12–21, were selected on 2 November.[10] JKT48 made its first public appearance on 17 December on the live music program 100% Ampuh on Global TV and performed "Heavy Rotation", with lyrics translated into Indonesian.[5]



2013–Present: Major Debut

          JKT48 was scheduled to release its debut album in January 2013, but production was hampered because of flooding in Jakarta.[24] To celebrate the release, the group's management team had distributed 100,000 free CD singles. Each single featured an Indonesian version of one of four songs: "Heavy Rotation", "Kimi no Koto ga Suki Dakara", "Baby! Baby! Baby!", and "Ponytail to Shushu".[25] Members, some of whom were directly affected by the flooding, later held a charity event in order to raise funds for the city's relief efforts.[26] The debut album, titled Heavy Rotation, had a limited release at the JKT48 Theater on 16 February and went on sale in music stores nationwide on 2 March.[27] All previously released singles were included in the album.[25]
          On 4 February 2014, JKT48 announced the names of 63 finalists that are vying to become JKT48 trainees in the third generation.[28][29] On 15 February, the group announced and performed its fifth single "Flying Get".[28]


          There are 64 members in JKT48 split into two performing teams.[30] As members leave the group, their ranks are continuously replenished by trainees.[2] Team J contains 19 members; 16 of whom were selected in the first generation auditions, 2 of which were promoted from second generation trainees. Its remaining member was transferred from the sister group AKB48. Team KIII is formed from 16 second generation members, while the trainees' team contains the five remaining second generation members and 32 3rd generation members
          Team J: Ayana Shahab, Beby Chaesara Anadila, Delima Rizky, Devi Kinal Putri (team captain), Frieska Anastasia Laksani, Gabriela Margareth Warouw, Ghaida Farisya, Jennifer Rachel Natasya, Jessica Vania Widjaja, Jessica Veranda Tanumihardja, Melody Nurramdhani Laksani (JKT48 captain), Nabilah Ratna Ayu Azalia, Rezky Wiranti Dhike, Rica Leyona, Sendy Ariani, Shania Junianatha, Sonia Natalia Winarto, Thalia Ivanka Elizabeth, Haruka Nakagawa
          Team KIII: Alicia Chanzia Ayu Kumaseh, Cindy Yuvia, Della Delila, Dwi Putri Bonita, Jennifer Hanna Sutiono, Lidya Maulida Djuhandar, Nadila Cindi Wantari, Natalia, Noella Sisterina, Ratu Vienny Fitrilya, Riskha Fairunissa, Rona Ariesta Anggreani, Shinta Naomi (team captain), Sinka Juliani, Thalia, Viviyona Apriani
          Trainees: Alycia Ferryana, Amanda Dwi Arista, Andela Yuwono, Anggie Putri Kurniasari, Anindhita Rahma Cahyadi, Ayu Safira Oktaviani, Chikita Ravenska Mamesah, Dena Siti Rohyati, Elaine Hartanto, Fakhiryani Harrya Shafariyanti,Farina Yogi Devani, Feni Fitriyanti, Fransisca Saraswati Puspa Dewi, Indah Permata Sari, Kezia Putri Aandinta, Maria Genenoveva Natalia Desy Purnamasari Gunawan, Martha Graciela, Michelle Christa Kusnadi, Milenia Christien Glory Goenawan, Nadhifa Salsabila, Ni Made Ayu Vania Aurellia, Nina Hamidah Novinta Dhini, Priscillia Sari Dewi, Putri Farin Kartika, Rizka Khalila, Saktia Oktapyani, Shaffa Nabila, Shani Indira Natio, Shania Gracia, Sofia Meifaliani, Stephanie Pricilla Indarto Putri, Syahfira Angela Nurhaliza, Triarona Kusuma, Yansen Indiani, Zeby Magnolia Fawwaz
Overseas Transfers: Rina Chikano


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